Tuesday, September 18, 2012

TJ Maxx

* * * Anxious Anus

I frequent a relatively new TJ Maxx in Atascocita and I love it!  And like I've said before, Shopping gives me the Shits so I always find myself in the bathroom and it's about time I did a PR (poo review).

The bathrooms are easy to find.  At this store they are located in the very back right corner, right past the baby section.  There's a large sign above the door so they're hard to miss.

The door actually leads to some offices and a men's and women's room.  The women's room is the first door on the right, good, it's easy to find and easy to get to and I don't have to walk down the hall like the men do.  Because we all know that when you gotta GO, you gotta GO!  I don't need any extra steps that could potentially lead to an accident in the pants!

At first glance the BS (bathroom situation) looks nice and inviting, but once you get in the stalls and you look a little closer it gets real nasty real quick.  This BS had 3 stalls and 2 sinks and it was nice and spacious.  But I don't know how much that matters because the toilets were DIS. GUST. ING!  Poo poo splatters all over the place!  And again with the open trash bin right at nose level, what's up with that???  COVER THAT SHIT!  Or put the waste bin on the floor in a corner, not where I have to turn away and hold my breath when I sit on the toilet.  I like to be comfortable when I take a shit, don't you???

I mean I don't really need to see other women's USED tampons!  I really don't.  And ladies, if you accidently smear blood on the trash bin, or light switch, or when you go to flush, the least you should do is clean it up and then you should probably get an employee to come in with the disinfectant and give the area a good hard scrub.  Because that's just NASTY and DANGEROUS!  Am I right, Am I right?  I'm right.

Besides the poop and blood the BS was just not well maintained.  There was paper all over the floor, the purse hooks were broken off, the hand towel dispenser wasn't refilled and instead there was just a giant roll of paper you had to grab from and half the roll was soaked from people's dripping hands.

With all the space in this BS and with it being right next to the BABY SECTION, you would think a changing table would be available to all mommy shoppers, but no, no changing table.

And to top it all off,  the number one reason any bathroom can get a bad review in my book ... THE PLACE WAS DEAD SILENT!  No music playing, no AC, just me and my butt burps for all the world to hear.  Great.  Thanks TJ Maxx.

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