Sunday, February 17, 2013


* * * Anxious Anus

I could spend hours shopping at Ross!  I always find a million things I don't really NEED but somehow convince myself that I do.  I mean who doesn't NEED a new doormat for $5.99 or a new shower curtain liner for $3.99 or one of those ridiculously large dog beds for like $12.99 when at Petsmart the same thing would cost 50 fucking bucks!?!

But when a pregnant woman shops for hours that means that she will probably have to use the bathroom no less than 10 times, for reals!  And this is where Ross and I have a problem . . . their BS!

First of all there is no real sign for the Bathrooms that I've ever seen at any Ross, but usually they are found by the dressing rooms.  Outside the dressing rooms there is an employee who stands out there and makes sure you only have 6 items in your hand to try on at a time.  So this same employee is also the person who LETS YOU INTO THE BATHROOMS!  Yeah, that's what I said, she has to LET YOU IN!  She goes to this little keypad and pushes a button or puts in a code, IDK, something like that.  Now something about asking permission to use the bathroom just feels WRONG to me.  First of all I'm not a child, I'm a 30 year old woman, I NEED TO ASK PERMISSION?  Second, ain't nobody got time for that!!!

No really, I don't have time for that!  Baby pushing on the bladder, poo knocking at the door. . . unlock the god damn bathroom lady!  Nevermind if I was just here ten minutes ago emptying my bladder, it's really none of your business!  Already not a good start.

After you gain entrance thru the first door you walk down a small hall to the ladies room.  Once inside it's not too bad.  Most Ross' have two or three stalls with one being handicapped and they usually have a changing table in the handicap stall.  The Ross in Atascocita was seemingly clean and everything was stainless steel.  There were purse hooks. The tampon bin actually had a lid on it!  And there was LOUD music playing over the speakers.  ALRIGHT ROSS, tunes to toot to!!!  Love it.

The toilets were clean and smelled of toilet bowl cleaner which immediately made me crazy!!!  One thing I have craved this pregnancy is TOILET BOWL CLEANER.  I'm serious.  I always heard stories of pregnant women craving stuff like soap and dirt, my craving . . . toilet bowl cleaner, YUUUUUUUM!  I believe these strange cravings are due to iron deficiency.  Don't worry, I've never actually tried toilet bowl cleaner, I'm not that crazy.

Besides the smell of toilet bowl cleaner, the overall bathroom had a foul smell.  Perhaps the trash hadn't been taken out that day, IDK.  And the last negative thing I'll say is that my toilet didn't flush.  I hate that shit!  How can I GO in confidence if there's a possibility I might not be able to fully get rid of my shit?!  I despise unpredictable, undependable toilets!!!!  Really, what good is a toilet if it doesn't flush?  And this goes out to all those folks who have unpredictable, undependable toilets in their homes and then invite people over, please please please get it fixed OR the very least leave a plunger next to the damn toilet!!!  No one wants to shit in someone else's toilet, not be able to get the toilet to flush, and worse, have it back up and run onto the floor, then have to go and tell the homeowner!  OMG, scenarios like that are what make up my nightmares!  

Anyway, I wouldn't have such a problem with Ross' BS if it were more easily accessible to me and I didn't have to ASK PERMISSION to use it.  And I'm hoping the toilet that didn't flush that day was fixed.  I'd also love to know what cleaner they used.  Ha, I'm salivating just thinking about it!  

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