Thursday, April 11, 2013

Fiesta on San Jacinto

* Full on Shitting my Pants!!!

On March 1st I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl, which is why it's been so long since I've been out experiencing and reporting back to you on the BSs around Houston!

I did happen to leave the house this weekend and ended up downtown.  I was in the middle of a bathroom Crisis Situation so my husband kindly dropped me off at the Fiesta mart on San Jacinto so I could do a little dropping off myself.

Well this is what I have to say about that BS . . .

First you will notice that I do not have any pictures to share of this BS because it was so HORRIFIC that I didn't want to spend one more second in there than ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY!!!

The bathrooms are located to the immediate left as you enter the store, down a small hallway, right past the customer service counter.

Now I'm not sure how many of you have ever been to this particular Fiesta mart but to put it mildly, it's quite colorful.  I'm just saying it's a diverse group of individuals that shop at this particular location.  Shop, live, loiter, do sex, whatever you wanna call it.  Yeah, so as I enter the women's room I'm immediately BITCH SLAPPED by a stench I can only describe as a mixture of sex, drugs, shit, and VAGINA!  That's right, SEX, DRUGS, SHIT, AND VAGINA!  A whole lot of it!!!

There's two stalls, one handicapped and they are both in bad shape.  The doors look like they're falling off the hinges.  Once you step into the stall it's even more shocking!  FILTHY, a complete disaster zone!!!  Toilet paper all over the floor like someone wrapped the women's bathroom.  Remember back in junior high when it was cool to wrap the outside of your friends house with TP???  Yeah, well this is what the women's stalls looked like.  No toilet paper was actually in the dispenser, and I noticed on the floor next to the toilet a disgusting, freshly used, toilet bowl plunger that someone decided to use the handle stick as the toilet paper holder!!!  For reals.  DISGUSTING.  The toilet was stained of course and on the back of the toilet was a collection of pubes, poo poo splatters, and all sorts of diseases waiting to get picked up!  SOOOOO FOW.EL!

But what are you gonna do?!  I couldn't hold it in any longer, I had to GO!  So I held my breath, tried to squat it, used the TP from around the plunger handle, flushed, scrubbed my hands, and ran the hell out of there!  I felt so gross.  I think if I had dug a hole in the dirt, done my business, used my own hand to wipe my ass, and then covered my shit up with dirt, that that would have been more sanitary than using this bathroom at Fiesta!  I'm serious.  I do not recommend this BS to anyone!!!  

When I got back in the car I immediately grabbed the hand sanitizer and sanitized my hands and arms and cell phone.  But I felt like I needed to rush home and take a hot shower and burn my clothes and shoes, that's how nasty this BS was.  I didn't even take note if there was music playing or a loud AC running or purse hooks or a changing table.  I was in such a hurry to do what I had to do and get the hell out of there.  But with conditions like that who really cares if there's a changing table?  I wouldn't put my newborn on it! Anyway, not a good first BS to experience after being out of the game for a couple months.  Guuuuuuuurl NO!  Don't GO at this Fiesta mart!!!

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