Monday, April 23, 2012

Arne's Warehouse and Party Store

* Full on Shitting My Pants!!!

If you are like me and you REALLY have bathroom issues where a bad BS can send you into a full on Panic Attack, then DON'T GO TO ARNE'S!

First of all I went on a Sunday and the place was soooo crowded.  I've been during the week before and it wasn't as bad.  So if you absolutely need to shop there I would recommend doing it in the middle of the day on a week day.

The place is HUGE,  I mean obviously, it's a warehouse.  I actually had passed the bathrooms twice and did not see them so I finally asked someone where they were located.  They are close to the front entrance, right next to the long counter where they sell tiaras.  You'll have to look around and in the corner you'll see. . .

these signs for two individual bathrooms, one handicap and one unisex.  What a horrible idea!!!

When I walked into the unisex bathroom I was immediately BITCH SLAPPED with the stench of urine!  Honestly, I wish I could have somehow captured that scent so you would know exactly how awful it was!  And take a look at those dark stains on the toilet seat!  What the fuck is that?  Shit? Blood?  Puke? A mixture of all of them?  Damn that's foul!  

Now I know that it's important to most people for a bathroom to be somewhat clean, that's why it's one thing I look for and report on, BUT I've been to India and I've been in some pretty awful BS's!  If you know anything about India you know they don't use toilet paper, they use their hand to wipe themselves.  Afterwards they wash their hands under running water. 

I was in a BS so bad in India, I walked in and the floor was covered in two inches of this water that people had just used to wash the shit off their hands, so essentially poopoo water!  Then I walked down a line of holes and had to choose one.  I had to squat like they did in the old days before western toilets and do my business, right there in front of everyone, no privacy, no toilet paper, squatting in poopoo water, and doing it on top of a pile of other people's business, holding my breath so as to not breathe in the poopoo particles in the air, all while holding up my dress and trying not to fall!  Soooooooooo, cleanliness isn't too big of a deal for me.  I usually just suck it up and go with it.

BUT I have to say this BS took me back to India. The stench was paralyzing!  There wasn't any kind of toilet seat cover, and the floor was super sticky.  I can only imagine it was all the built up urine!   

Another thing you might notice from the picture is that this bathroom was TI. NY!  I took this photo with my back right up against the door, if that tells you anything.

Good thing I only had to pee and I could hold it.  I held my breath, quickly took notes, and snapped the pic.  That's as long as I could stay in there.  And after that experience I decided I wasn't brave enough to check out the handicap bathroom.  Someone else might have to review it and report back to me.

So to recap, ARNE's is the winner so far for the WORST. BATHROOM. SITUATION. in Houston!!!  Consider yourself warned.

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